Daily arterial pressure profile in young individuals with hereditary burden due to arterial hypertension
1Novosibirsk State Medical University, 52 Krasnyy Ave., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630091
2Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Contact details:
Grebenkina I.A. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy and General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)
Address: 52 Krasnyy Ave., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630091, e-mail: iren-quaf@yandex.ru
Objective ― to study the daily arterial pressure profile and its variability in young people who have hereditary burden (HB) for arterial hypertension (AH) for early prognostic assessment of the development of the disease.
Material and methods. The study included 95 young people with HB for AH. According to the results of the 24-hour arterial pressure monitoring, three groups were formed depending on the level of arterial pressure ― group 1 (patients with hypertension), group 2 (people with highly normal arterial pressure), group 3 (people with normal arterial pressure). The control group consisted of individuals with normal AP without Nb for hypertension. The main indicators of the 24-hour arterial pressure monitoring were calculated, including the daily profile of systolic AP (SAP) and diastolic AP (DAP), variability, morning dynamics of SAP and DAP.
Results. An increased daily variability of SAP was recorded regardless of the degree of increase in AP. As the level of APin individuals with HB for hypertension increased, the daily variability of both SAP and DAP increased. At the same time, the average day/night variability of SAP in group 2 was also significantly higher than in the control group. In groups 1 and 2, violations of the diurnal profile of SAP and DAP were recorded with a significant proportion of non-dippers. In groups 1 and 3, there was an increase in the rate of the morning rise of the SAP, in group 2 — the magnitude of the morning rise in SAP and DAP as compared with the control.
Conclusion. The study revealed violation of the diurnal profile, an increase in the variability of blood pressure, changes in the morning dynamics of blood pressure in people with hereditary burden of hypertension. The obtained indicators may have prognostic value in the development of hypertension and its complications, as well as serve as additional objective markers of the unfavorable outcome of the disease in the observation process and possible treatment of these patients.
Key words: arterial hypertension, young age, hereditary burden, daily arterial pressure profile, variability.
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