Contradictions in doubtful CTG in assessment of fetus functional state in the third trimester of pregnancy
1Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch Campus of RMACPE MH Russia, Kazan
2Volzhsk Central Municipal Hospital, Volzhsk
Contact details:
Cherepanova N.A. — PhD (medicine), Head of Delivery Ward
Address: 46 Sovetskaya Str., Volzhsk, Russian Federation, 425005, tel. (83631) 6-37-73, e-mail:
Objective ― to study the doubtful cardiotocograms (CTG) and values of cardiovascular index (CVI) in women with complicated and physiological course of pregnancy, to extinguish the criteria of hypoxia and satisfactory state of fetus.
Material and methods. Comparison was carried out of the course and outcomes of pregnancy in 246 women in the third trimester with doubtful cardiotocograms (CTG) and various values of cardiovascular index ― ratio of mean arterial pressure (AP mean) to heart rate in women. Doubtful CTG was identified by three criteria at a time: FIGO, Fischer and Dowse-Redman. CTG was performed on a General Meditech device.
Results. Combination of a doubtful CTG with CVI increase over 1.3 preceded such complications as fetus hypoxia, asphyxia and morbidity of the newborns 2.2 times more often than with isolated increase of CVI; 4 times more often than with doubtful CTG with CVI increase less than 1.3, and 11 times more often than in the control group of healthy women with normal CTG and CVI parameters.
Conclusions. The criteria of fetus hypoxia is more than 1.3 increase of CVI combined with the increase of basal heart rate of fetus over 160 and up to 180, or absence of acceleration during 40 minutes of recording; and decrease of variability from 6 to 2 per minutes, increase of variability over 25 per minute or decrease of basal heart rate of fetus from 110 to 100 at STW 3-5 ms.
Key words: cardiotocography, cardiovascular index, doubtful CTG, mean AP.
(For citation: Cherepanova N.A., Zamaleeva R.S., Maltseva L.I., Frizina A.V. Contradictions in doubtful CTG in assessment of fetus functional state in the third trimester of pregnancy. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, no. 4, P. 37-42)
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