Content of macro- and microelements in saliva of young athletes
Kazan State Medical University
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Central Scientific Research Institute Geolnerud, Kazan
Troegubova Natalia Aleksandrovna
graduate student of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics with courses of outpatient pediatrics and postgraduate education
48a Bakaleynaya Str., apt.11, Kazan 420095
tel. 8-905-376-29-79, e-mail:
The articles presents the results of the study of saliva in 55 pupils, divided by the level of physical activity. The characteristics of the macro- and microelements’ composition of saliva in each group of teenagers is given. After a spectroscopic analysis it was revealed that in saliva of young athletes was substantially reduced concentration of calcium, potassium, magnesium and selenium, level of chromium was significantly increased, the content of iron and zinc in the groups were not significantly different.
Key words: young athletes, macro- and microelements.
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