Contemporary pecularities of community-acquired pneumonia in children of tender age
Kazan State Medical University
Pikuza Olga Ivanovna
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor at the Department of Propaedeutics of childhood diseases and theoretical pediatrics with a course of childhood diseases of department of general medicine
49 Butlerova Str., Kazan 420012
tel. (843) 236-71-72, e-mail:
In this lecture from the current position are highlighted the main issues related to characteristics of the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical presentation and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in young children. In addition, in presenting the material special focus was on the features of the current community-acquired pneumonia in children with burdened premorbid background (rickets, anemia, perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, malnutrition, allergies), the groups of patients at risk of severe and life-threatening inflammation process in lungs were described.
Key words: community-acquired pneumonia, children of tender age, diagnostics, treatment.
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