Comparison of the results of complex treatment of patients with keratorefractive surgery and the risk of post-operative asthenopic syndrome
The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 59A Beskudnikovsky Blvr, Moscow, Russian Federation, 127474
Shamsetdinova L.T. – clinical graduate student of the Department of Laser Refractive Surgery, tel.:+7-985-726-12-72, e-mail:
Mushkova I.A. – D. Sc. (medicine), Head of the Department of Refractive Laser Surgery, tel. (499) 488-87-42, e-mail:
Mitronina M.L. – PhD (medicine), Head of the Department of Children’s Diagnostic with pleopto-orthoptic treatment of the polyclinic, tel. (499) 488-87-42, e-mail:
Maychuk N.V. — PhD (medicine), Senior Researcher of Department of Refractive Laser Surgery, tel. (499) 488-89-84, e-mail:
(For citation: Shamsetdinova L.T., Mushkova I.A., Mitronina M.L., Maychuk N.V. Comparison of the results of complex treatment of patients with keratorefractive surgery and the risk of post-operative asthenopic syndrome. Practical Medicine. 2018)
The article presents the results of complex treatment of patients with laser refractive surgery with the risk of postoperative asthenopia. 68 patients (68 eyes) with a lack of binocular vision were given a standard examination before corneal refractive surgery (CRO), as well as additional methods for studying accommodation capacity and binocular function. In all cases, after surgery, uncorrected visual acuity was achieved, equal to or greater than the preoperative visual correction. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups of comparison: in group 1, the first stage was apparatus treatment, the second stage was CRO; in group 2 – vice versa. The two-stage treatment showed high results in both groups and did not reveal a statistically significant difference depending on the order of rehabilitation stages. Performing the functional restoration as the first stage reduces the risk of postoperative asthenopia and increases patient’s satisfaction with the operation results.
Key words: refractive surgery, asthenopia after refractive surgery, accommodation disorders, low fusion reserves, asthenopia, functional treatment, FemtoLASIK.
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