Comparative features of anticipatory solvency and ability to prognostication in patients with neurotic and somatoform disorders
Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Timutsa D.R. – post-graduate student of the Department of Medical and General Psychology and peadgogy
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7 (843) 236-96-69, e-mail:
Abilities to prognostication and anticipation parameters were researched in 242 patients with neurotic and somatoform disorders. Violations of the studied parameters were identified by means of clinical psychopathological and experimental psychological methods. Then, comparative analysis was carried out which showed distinctive features of the studied disorders taking into account the anticipatory parameters. The obtained data can be used to determine the formation of a particular nosology in the early stages of its development.
Key words: anticipation, genesis of neurosis, neurotic disorders.
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