Comparative analysis of the quantitative content of growth factors in various forms of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Perm
Contact details:
Karakulova Yu.V. — M.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology named after V.P. Pervushin
Address: 26 Petropavlovskaya St., Perm, Russian Federation, 614000, tel.: +7-912-884-40-07, e-mail:
Studying the activation and action of growth factors during the progression of polyneuropathy associated with impaired glucose tolerance opens up additional opportunities for early diagnosis of damage to nerve structures and timely adoption of preventive measures.
The purpose — to study serum levels of cerebral neurotrophic factor and its specific receptor in patients with various forms of carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
Material and methods. 34 patients with diabetes mellitus and 11 people with impaired glucose tolerance were examined with a study of the quantitative content of vasculoendothelial growth factor, cerebral neurotrophic factor and its high affinity receptor in blood serum.
Results. Increased expression of cerebral neurotrophin and its receptor in serum occurs already at the stage of «prediabetes» and reflects the electroneuromyographic changes in peripheral nerves.
Conclusions The data obtained indicate the important role of the neurotrophin-receptor system in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy and allows using it as markers of neuropathy in the early stages of diabetes mellitus, as well as in impaired glucose tolerance.
Key words: diabetes mellitus, diabetic polyneuropathy, vasculoendothelial growth factor, cerebral neurotrophic factor, tropomyosin receptor kinase B.
(For citation: Karakulova Yu.V., Filimonova T.A. Comparative analysis of the quantitative content of growth factors in various forms of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Practical Medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 7, P. 85-88)
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