Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the combined treatment of partial atrophy of the optic nerve
1Vologda Ophthalmological Hospital, 26 Poshekhonskoye shosse, Vologda, Russian Federation, 140002
2 The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 59a Beskudnikovsky Blvd., Moscow, Russian Federation, 127486
Duginov A.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Deputy Chief Doctor, tel. +7-921-236-88-29, e-mail:
Ioyleva E.E. ― D. Med. Sc., Scientific Secretary, Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Moscow State Medical Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov, tel. (499) 488-85-24, e-mail:
The functional efficacy was compared of the combined treatment of 127 patients with descending and ascending partial atrophy of the optic nerve. The first group included 37 patients (37 eyes) with optic nerve atrophy due to the central nervous system pathology (descending atrophy of the optic nerve), the second group included 48 patients (48 eyes) with optic nerve atrophy due to retinal pathology (ascending optic nerve atrophy). In the control group (42 people) «standard treatment» was conducted. In the first group after treatment, according to computer perimetry, the number of absolute defects in the visual field was reduced by 23%, in the second group ― by 19.4%, in the control group ― by 11.5 and 9% respectively. The indicators of positive dynamics of the impulse according to the visually evoked potentials were higher in the groups where the combined therapy was carried out, compared to the control group.
The high efficiency of the combined method of treatment of patients with descending and ascending partial optic nerve atrophy was clinically proven as compared to the «traditional» therapy. The elaborated and implemented combined method of treatment of the optic nerve partial atrophy allowed to increase visual acuity, reduce the number of absolute and relative scotomas, improve electrophysiological parameters of the excitation along the optic nerve in cases of the descending and ascending partial optic nerve atrophy.
The higher functional results of the improved visual acuity and the reduced number of scotomas, according to the computer perimetry, were achieved in patients with descending optic nerve atrophy. The functional results and electrophysiological parameters of the excitation along the optic nerve were comparable in patients with descending and ascending partial atrophy of the optic nerve.
Key words: optic nerve atrophy, physiotherapy treatments.
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