Comparative analysis of refractive results of standard and femtolaser-assisted phacoemulsification with diffractive IOL implantation
1Branchevskiy Eye Clinic, 371 Novo-Sadovaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443125
2Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapaevskaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099
Branchevskiy S.L. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases, Director General of Branchevskiy Eye Clinic, tel. (846) 925-31-31, e-mail:
Malov I.V. — D. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Eye Diseases, tel. (846) 312-22-95, e-mail:
Branchevskaya E.S. — Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Eye Diseases. Head of the Department of Eximer-laser Correction of Branchevskiy Eye Clinic, tel. (846) 925-31-31, e-mail:
The article presents the results of comparative analysis of patients’ visual functions after standard and femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery with diffractive IOL implantation. The following parameters were analyzed: corrected and uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected and uncorrected near visual acuity, spherical and cylinder components of refraction. The comoarative analysis of visual functions and postoperative refraction of the operated eyes showed that both technologies – standard and femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery with diffractive IOL implantation – provide high distance and near visual acuity. However, the cylinder component of postoperative refraction was significantly lower in femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery group.
Key words: cataract surgery, femtosecond laser, multifocal IOL.
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