Comparative analysis of morphological changes of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac in chronic dacryocystitis
T.Yu. Vladimirova¹, N.S. KHrappo¹, A.P. Miroshnichenko², O.V. Kylakova¹, L.V. SolovJeva¹.
¹Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 89 Chapaevskaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099
² State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Clinical Hospital named after F.I.Inozemtsev” of the Department of Healthcare of Moscow, 1 Fortunatovskaya Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 105187
Vladimirova T. Yu. — Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology named after Academician I.B.Soldatov, tel. (846) 276-78-45, e-mail: , ORCID: 0000-0003-1915-247Х
Khrappo N.S. — D.Med.Sc., professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology named after Academician I.B.Soldatov, tel. (846) 276-77-71, ORCID: 0000-0002-5859-4329
Miroshnichenko A.P. — Cand.Med.Sc., Head of the Otorhinolaryngological Division, tel. +7(499) 426-36-55, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0001-5571-3241
Kulakova O.V. — Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant Professor of the Department of Histology and Embryology, tel.: (846) 333-36-84, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-8318-0355
Solovjeva L.V. — assistant of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology named after Academician I.B. Soldatov, e-mail:, ORCID
: 0000-0001-6458-1914
Objective. To study the morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac in case of chronic dacryocystitis.
Materials and methods: The article presents the results of a study of microscopic preparations of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac in 30 patients with dacryocystitis taken during the operation of IES dacryocystorhinostomy. After the examination, the patients were divided into two groups: the first group (15 people) was diagnosed with chronic purulent dacryocystitis, the second group (15 people) was diagnosed with chronic purulent dacryocystitis with a history of phlegmon in the lacrimal sac.
Results: The characteristics of changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (atrophy of the epithelium, glandular hyperplasia, nature of infiltration) and mucous membrane of the lacrimal sac (epithelial change, nature of infiltration) are given. The issues of the presence of infiltration in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac are considered.
Conclusion: Morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity of different degrees of severity have been established. Structural changes of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity in patients are more pronounced. The mucous membrane of the lacrimal sac is presented by unchanged epithelium and less pronounced infiltration.
Key words: mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, mucous membrane of the lacrimal sac, dacryocystitis, morphological changes in the mucosa.
(For citation: Vladimirova T. Yu., Khrappo N.S., Miroshnichenko A.P., Kulakova O.V., Solovjeva L.V. Comparative analysis of morphological changes of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac in chronic dacryocystitis. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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