Clinical features of pregnancy in women with a scar on the uterus with connective tissue dysplasia
1Reaviz Medical University, Samara
2Samara State Medical University, Samara
3Samara State City Hospital No. 2 named after N.A. Semashko, Samara
Contact details:
Shatunova E.P. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University Reaviz
Address: 89 Chapaevskaya St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443001, tel.: +7-927-692-52-99, e-mail:
The purpose was to study the course of pregnancy in women with a scar on the uterus after cesarean section (CS) in women with and without signs of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD).
Material and methods. The study included 130 pregnant women who applied for planned delivery. According to the results of examination, anamnesis collection, questionnaires and general clinical examination, the patients were divided into two groups, depending on the presence of nCTD signs of: group 1 (main) — 100 patients, with the severity of nCTD signs at least 6 points according to the classification of T.I. Kadurina, and group 2 (comparison) — 30 healthy women without CTD signs. Anamnestic data, peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, cesarean section operations were studied, ultrasound and histological examinations of scars on the uterus were carried out.
Results. Complicated pregnancy was detected in half of the cases in the first group, and in 23.3% in the second group. According to ultrasound data before delivery, signs of inferiority in the form of thinning of the uterine scar to 1.7 (0.9) mm were detected in the first group in 41 patients (41%), in the second group the thickness of the scar was up to 4.1 (1.15) mm in 13 people (43.3%), in the remaining 17 women (56.7%) the thickness of the scar it was up to 3.2 (1.8) mm. Histological studies showed differences in the content of connective tissue and vascularization in the structure of the scar in women of the studied groups.
Key words: connective tissue dysplasia, incomplete scar on the uterus, cesarean section, pregnancy.
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