Clinical case of infective endocarditis
Family Medicine Center LLC, Chelyabinsk
Contact details:
Isakova E.Yu. — PhD (medicine), doctor of the Department of Functional and Ultrasonic Diagnostic
Address: 15b Vorovsky St., Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, 454048, tel.: +7-919-339-76-72, e-mail:
The article presents the results of clinical observation of a patient with a favorable course and outcome of infective endocarditis in the presence of pronounced echocardiographic changes that arose during long-term follow-up of the patient for the underlying disease (hypertension). The clinical characteristics of the disease, the dynamics of instrumental, and the laboratory data during therapy are presented. The diagnosis of infective endocarditis was established by a team of doctors according to the modified Duke criteria (according to Li): one large criterion — echocardiographic signs (vegetation on the valve), one small criterion — chronic rheumatic heart disease, chronic tonsillitis. Information on the infective endocarditis development against the background of chronic rheumatic heart disease in identical twins is presented.
Key words: echocardiography, infective endocarditis, clinical case, vegetation.
(For citation: Isakova E.Yu., Atamanova T.Yu. Clinical case of infective endocarditis. Practical medicine. 2020. Vol. 18, № 6, P.)
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