Clinical case of Alloplant biomaterial use in surgical treatment of ophthalmological complications in patient with Lyell’s syndrome
Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center of the Russian Ministry of Healthcare, Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Kadyrov R.Z. – D.Sc.(medicine), , Director General, tel.: (347) 224-68-12, e-mail:
The article presents a clinical case of treating a patient with ophthalmological complications of Lyell’s syndrome. The patient with recurrent exacerbations of keratitis was performed revascularization operations, perilimbal filling, and blepharorhaphy with allotendinous Alloplant sutures which fully arrested the inflammatory process. The vision acuity increased 10 times, photophobia seceded and the patient nowadays leads a full life. While at the beginning of the disease, she had to undergo treatment every two months, after the regenerative surgery the eye condition allowed performing the perilimbal filling once a year as supporting therapy. Besides, the signs of the “dry eye” syndrome disappeared and there is no need to constantly use tear substitutes, which also increased the patient’s life quality.
Key words: Alloplant biomaterial, Lyell’s syndrome, kerititis, blepharorhaphy.
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