Clinical and sonographic principles of diagnosis abdominal pain and visceropathy of the digestive system angiogenic and inflammatory nature
1Regional Clinical Hospital No. 3, 287 prospekt Pobedy, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454021
2South Ural State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, 64 Vorovskogo Str., Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454092
Barkhatov I.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Head of Endoscopy Department of the polyclinic, tel. +7-902-860-25-09, e-mail:
Barkhatova N.A. — D. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of General Surgery, tel. +7-951-469-19-85, e-mail:
The article presents the results of analysis of 366 patients with digestive system pathologies, combined with chronic persistent abdominal pain. After complex examination, these patients were divided into three groups with various the pathologies of the abdominal aorta visceral branches or signs of non-specific inflammatory changes in the digestive system. The examination of patients with visceral blood-supply pathology enabled to identify a clinical group of angio-dysfunctional visceral blood supply disorders and the criteria for their diagnosing. When comparing the obtained data, the clinical manifestations and morphological changes of the stomach and large intestine were identified, the reliable sonographic and echodensitometry signs of liver and pancreas pathological changes were found, characteristic for angiogenic and inflammatory nature of visceropathy.
The combination of the persistent abdominal pain syndrome with the clinic of various visceropathies of the digestive organs was of non-specific inflammatory nature in 58.5 % of cases, and in 41.5 % of cases the pathology was angiogenic with hemodynamically significant (43.4 %) or dysfunctional (56.6 %) variants of the visceral blood flow.
Detection of sonographic signs of the liver and pancreatic parenchyma diffuse changes, against the background of chronic persistent abdominal pain, is an indication for performing duplex sanitation of unpaired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta in order to exclude the pathology of angiogenic nature.
Key words: abdominal ischemia, visceropathy, persistent abdominal pain syndrome.
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