Clinical and pathogenic substantiation for the clinical assessment of pain syndrome in newborns of different gestational age
1Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1, Perinatal Center, Voronezh
2Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Voronezh
Contact details:
Korotaeva N.V. — Ph. D. (medicine), Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Hospital and Polyclinic Pediatrics, neonatologist of the Neonatal Department № 3
Address: 151 Moskovsky prospekt, Voronezh, Russian Federation, 391066, tel.: +7-903-653-09-08, e-mail:
In the recent years, the attention of the medical community has been focused on the problem of emergence and reliable assessment of pain in newborn children. This interest comes not only from progressive medical and technological advances, but also from the introduction of humanistic approaches in neonatology and pediatrics into practice. The peculiarity of children’s physiology of all ages is that they are not only able to experience nociceptive pain, but also accumulate «negative» experience after each painful procedure, which leads to the increased perception of pain in the future. To level the hormonal and metabolic response to stress, prevent the evolvement of discomfort during medical and non-medical procedures and during child’s stay in the hospital, a multidisciplinary comprehensive approach focused on the importance of understanding the pain response mechanisms is necessary. The article describes the age-related features of the pain perception system in newborns of different gestational age, as well as possible options for assessing the severity of pain, used in neonatal practice. Given the difficulties of the clinical evaluation of newborns’ pain, emphasis was placed on the effect of the competent approach of medical personnel to the issues of pain control in newborns of different gestational age during implementation of routine care and medical manipulations.
Key words: newborns, pain, premature babies, pain diagnostics, pain prevention, pain relief.
(For citation: Korotaeva N.V., Kogutnitskaya M.I., Pershina E.S. Clinical and pathogenic substantiation for the clinical assessment of pain syndrome in newborns of different gestational age. Practical Medicine. 2019, Vol. 17, № 5, P. 141-144)
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