Bronchophonography in 2-7 y.o. children with bronchial obstructive syndrome
National Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev, 1 Samora Maschel Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
Lerkhendorf Yu.A. – post-graduate student of the Department of Clinical Physiology, tel. (495) 287-65-70 (ext. 48-08), e-mail:
Lukina O.F. – D. Med. Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Clinical Physiology, tel.: (495) 287-65-70 (ext. 48-08), e-mail:
Petrenets T.N. – laboratory assistant of the Department of Clinical Physiology, tel.: (495) 287-65-70 (ext. 48-08), e-mail:
Delyagin V.M. – D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Physiology, tel.: (495) 287-65-70, e-mail:
The paper objective is to determine the reference values of BFG performance in healthy children up to 7 years old and, using comparative research (bronchophonography, pulse oscillometry, spirometry) of the respiratory function, to assess the role of BPG in the diagnosis of obstructive syndrome. Using the method of computer BPG, we examined 75 healthy children (200 measurements), aged 2-7 years (M = 5.25±0.14 years). Using BPG and spirometry methods, we examined 21 children, BPG and oscillometry methods – 24 children. We obtained BFG reference values which do not depend on gender, height and weight in the low frequency (140 52-2134.63 nJ), middle frequency (4.82-272.90 nJ) and high frequency (0.63-3.70 nJ) ranges. The BPG and spirometry results were consistent in 71.43%. The BPG and oscillometry results matched in 79.17%. The obtained reference values can be used for the diagnosis of obstructive disorders and assessing the dynamics of these parameters during bronchopulmonary diseases treatment in preschool children.
Key words: children, preschool children, bronchial obstruction syndrome, bronchophonography.
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