Body balance maintaining affected by physical fatique after submaximal aerobic activity in athletes of different specializations
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 35 Universiade Village, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420138
Nazarenko A.S. — Сand. Biol. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Sciences, tel. (843) 294-90-16, e-mail:
Mavliev F.A. — Сand. Biol. Sc., Senior Researcher of Educational Scientific Center of technologies of preparation of a sports reserve, tel. (843) 294-90-18, e-mail:
Rylova N.V. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Sciences, tel. (843) 294-90-16, e-mail:
Chinkin A.S. — D. Biol. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Medical and Biological Sciences, tel. (843) 294-90-16, e-mail:
Athletes`s and non-athletes`s body balance stabilographic indicators are investigated. Based on the stabilographic test results we established that significant differences of the body balance maintenance between athletes of different specializations are slightly detected. However, the most of significant differences of the ability to maintain body balance observed in athletes after submaximal aerobic activities, which suggesting about an important role of physical fatique and reduction of body balance regulation. In the control group revealed lower level of body balance maintenance with more wosened level after submaximal aerobic activities, comparing to athletes.
Key words: statokinetic stability; stabilographic indicators; body balance, submaximal aerobic activity; physical fatigue; athletes.
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