Blood supply to the joints of lower extremities in children with Legg — Calve — Perthes disease before and after treatment with epidural analgesia
1Republic Clinical Hospital, Kazan
2Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kazan
3Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Contact details:
Eremeev A.M. — PhD (biology), Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology of Humans and Animals
Address: 18 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420008, tel.: +7 (843) 233-78-15, e-mail:
Using the method of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), 10 healthy boys aged 7 to 9 years and 10 boys of the same age with unilateral hip joint lesion at stage III–IV of Legg — Calve — Perthes disease were examined. In all the examined patients, compared with the healthy subjects, a significant decrease in microcirculation in the hip joint, knee joint and joint of the first toe was found. Prolonged epidural analgesia led to a significant increase in microcirculation in all the examined joints, which indicates the high effectiveness of this method of treating the disease. The LDF method can also be useful for early diagnosis of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease in children.
Key words: Legg — Calve — Perthes disease, treatment, microcirculation, prolonged epidural analgesia.
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