Autologous serum for ocular surface diseases
1Cheboksary branch IRTC «Eye Microsurgery» named after acad. S.N. Fedorov» MH of RF, 10 prospect Traktorostroiteley, Cheboksary, 428028
2The Autonomous Institution of the Chuvash Republic «Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute» of HealthCare and Social Development Ministry, 3 Krasnaya ploshad, Cheboksary, 428032
Pozdeyeva Nadezhda Alexandrovna — candidate of Medical Sciences, deputy director for Science, tel. (8352) 36-90-81, e-mail: npozdeeva@mail.ru1,2
Domentyeva Luisa Nikolaevna — head of clinical laboratory, tel. (8352)36-90-49, e-mail: npozdeeva@mail.ru1
Vasilyeva Anastasia Yuryevna — resident of the ophthalmology course, tel. (8352) 36-90-83, e-mail: nastena.stasiya@mail.ru2
Ovchinnikova Valeria Nikolaevna — junior research assistant, tel. (8352) 36-90-83, e-mail: npozdeeva@mail.ru1
This article describes a method for treating the ocular surface diseases such as aniridic keratopathy, dry eye syndrome, ocular manifestation of Sjogrens syndrome, corneal erosion, upper limbic keratokonjunctivitis and other using autologous patient serum. Optimal scheme of the drug use is show. Technigus of sampling, preparation of material, keeping rules are described. Indications and contraindications for this method are outlined. These research results indicate the high clinical efficacy of autologous serum in ocular surface diseases.
Key words: autulogous serum, tears, aniridic keratopathy, dry eye syndrome, corneal erosion.
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