Assessment ofautonomic tone and the level of adaptationaccording to comprehensive analysis ofheart rate variability indexes
Kazan State Medical Academy, 11 Mushtari St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Maksumova N.V. — Assistant of the Department of Functional Diagnostics, tel. +7-917-257-80-03, e-mail:
The aim of the study was to work outthe criteria of estimating the autonomic tone and the level of adaptationaccording to comprehensive analysis ofheart rate variability indexes. A total of 279 patients were examined, at the age from 18 to 86 years old 53,2±11,75 лет (М±σ), 114 men and 165 women. Examination of adaptation level and autonomic tone was held using the heart rate variability analysis method for 5-7 minutes. On the basis of comparing indexes among each other and with the standards mentioned in the various manuals, the criteria of estimating autonomic tone with the release of sympathicus, normal and parasimpathicus regulation; heart rate variability with the definition of three decline degrees and the adaptation level, describing conventional adaptive states have been worked out.
Thus, the discharging the criteria allowed to asses autonomic tone, heart rate variability and the level of adaptation of patients objectively with forming the corresponding conclusions and recommendations for further examination.
Key words: autonomic tone, heart rate variability, adaptation level.
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