Artificial intelligence in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities
Samara State Medical University, Samara
Contact details:
Kurshina M.V. — PhD (medicine), Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics
Address: 165 A Karl Marx prospekt, Samara, Russian Federation, 443079, tel.: + 7-927-653-50-23, e-mail:
Over the past decade, research on the use of digital technologies in medical rehabilitation has increased. The review systematizes current data on the implementation of artificial intelligence in pediatric rehabilitation. The article presents current information on the use of virtual reality, immersive learning programs, video games, and robots in the rehabilitation process for children with disabilities. It is concluded that artificial intelligence makes it possible to develop and apply new methods that significantly improve the efficiency of the rehabilitation process, and helps doctors and specialists adapt rehabilitation programs for each patient individually.
Key words: children, rehabilitation, disabilities, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, digital technologies, immersive learning, chat bots, video games, mobile robots.
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