Approaches to antianginal therapy selection in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
1M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republic
2Central City Clinical Hospital No. 1, Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republic
Contact details:
Mykhailichenko I.S. — PhD (medicine), Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Department of Internal Diseases No. 2
Address: 16 Illicha Ave., Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republic. 283003, tel.: +38 (071) 470-68-08, e-mail:
The purpose — to study the efficacy and tolerability of different classes of antianginal drugs in patients with chronic coronary artery disease with DM2 having stable angina pectoris syndrome.
Material and methods. 104 patients (m/w 59/45, average age — 64.7 (11.1) years) with DM2 and with stable angina pectoris were under observation. All patients received adequate hypoglycemic, vaso- and cardioprotective therapy. All patients were prescribed antianginal agents in various combinations: β-AB — in 32 (30.8%) cases, calcium channel blockers — in 30 (28.8%), ivabradine — in 29 (27.9%), ranolazine — in 25 (24.0%), nitrates — in 22 (21.2%), trimetazidine — in 38 (36.5%), and meldonium — in 34 (32.7%) cases. Before the start of follow-up and after 16 weeks of treatment the angina pectoris class and standard clinical and biochemical parameters were evaluated, echocardiographic examination, Holter monitoring of an electrocardiogram, a test with reactive hyperemia were performed.
Results. The treatment provided a rapid, distinct and stable antianginal effect. Thus, the average levels of angina pectoris decreased from 2.37 (0.4) to 1.19 (0.1), p < 0.05. A significant decrease in clinical manifestations of angina pectoris was achieved after 2 weeks from the start of treatment in 72 (69.2%), and after 4 weeks — in 93 (89.4%) people. A reliable relationship between the higher antianginal efficacy of treatment and some clinical and laboratory features of patients was revealed.
Conclusions. In individuals with stable angina and DM2, adequate use of antianginal drugs provides a rapid and stable decrease in the severity of angina.
Key words: angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus, antianginal therapy, treatment.
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