Application of laboratory markers in forecasting cervical cancer
Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerova St., Kazan, Russian Federation 420012
Yagudina L.A. — Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Professor of the Department of Clinical Pathology, tel. (843) 236-09-09, e-mail:
This article presents data analysis of the literature on the use of various laboratory markers in the prediction of cervical cancer (CC). Human papilloma virus (HPV) plays a key role in the development of cervical cancer. Special attention is paid to the identification of nucleic acids of HPV, viruses genotyping in accordance with the level of oncogenicity, identification of virus prediction proteins of development of malignant growth and identification of damaged cellular factors for predicting cervical cancer. Comparative analysis of laboratory methods of diagnosis this markers is given here. Worth and limitations in use of this markers in prognosis of cervical cancer are discussed.
Key words: human papilloma virus (HPV), cervical cancer.
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