Аpplication of Аlloplant technology in unilateral postburn cicatricial ectropion of upper and lower eyelids
The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre of the Russian Federation Health Ministry, 67/1 Zorge Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450075
Nuraeva A.B. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of Ophthalmology Department, tel. (347) 293-42-28, е-mail: a.nuraeva@mail.ru
The article presents comparative statistical analysis of unilateral postburn cicatricial ectropion of upper and lower eyelids surgical treatment results in 23 patients. The study group included 14 patients aged 2-67 (13 males; 1 female). The control group consisted of 9 patients aged 2-52 (7 males, 2 females). Patients from the control group underwent free skin grafting of upper and lower eyelids. Patients from the study group underwent combined operation using Alloplant biomaterials, i.e. allogenous tendon fibres and allotransplant for eyelid plasty, in combination with free skin grafting of upper and lower eyelids. All patients underwent qualitative assessment before surgery including the degree of ectropion and lagophthalmos, interpalpebral rim width and visual acuity. The effect of surgical treatment was evaluated using the same criteria. The analysis showed higher effectiveness of combined operation using Alloplant technology compared to standard technique.
Key words: postburn eyelid ectropion, surgical reconstruction, biomaterials.
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