Antioxidants and hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment of deep burns
Amur State Medical Academy, 95 Gorky St, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation, 675006
Kozka A.A. — postgraduate student of the Department of Surgical Diseases, tel.: (4162) 319-032, +7-963-848-84-07, е-mail:
Olifirova O.S. — D. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases, tel.: (4162) 429-743, +7-914-554-46-52, е-mail:
Treatment of 30 patients with deep burns was analyzed. The complex treatment of the main group of patients (15 people) included antioxidants (a mixture of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan 1:3) and hyperbaric oxygenation before and after autodermoplasty. The results were compared to those achieved with a group of patients (15 people) who received traditional treatment. It is established that the complex treatment contributed to correction of lipid peroxidation disorders. Due to the stimulation of reparative processes, the duration of preoperative preparation for autodermoplasty in the main group decreased; moreover, full engraftment of autografts was achieved in 100% of cases.
Key words: deep burns, dihydroquercetin, arabinogalactan, hyperbaric oxygenation, peroxide oxidation of lipids.
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