Analysis of causes of arteriolosclerotic kidney in children in the Republik of Mordovia
Mordovia State University named after N.P.Ogarev, Saransk
Children Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk
Razdolkina Tatiana Ivanovna
Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant Professor of the Department of Pediatrics
4 Voroshilova Str., apt.513, Saransk 430010
tel. 8-927-978-51-24, е-mail:
The article gives the results of a secondary retrospective analysis of medical history in 74 children with arteriolosclerotic kidney. The characteristics of etiological structure of nephrosclerosis, functional status of kidneys is given. The leading role of vesicoureteral reflux of high (IV-V) grade in development of arteriolosclerotic kidney in children up to 3 years and preschool age is shown. Basic amount of patients of 7-11 years had vesicoureteral reflux in the anamnesis.
Key words: children, secondary renal scarring, etiology, kidney functions.
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