Alloplant biomaterial as the inhibitor of scarring the damaged cornea (immunochistochemical study)
«Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center» of the Russian Federation Health Ministry Ufa, Russian Federation
Contact information:
Musina L.A. – D.Sc. (biology), Leading Researcher at the Morphology Department
Address: 67/1 R. Sorge St., Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, 450075, tel.: +7 (347) 293-42-35, e-mail:
The relevance of the research is stipulated by the dominant role of cytokines in the regulation of tissue regeneration processes in damages. Cytokines trigger the processes of tissue epithelization and granulation having a significant impact on scar formation.
Purpose. To determine the cytokoine profile during the regeneration process in the damaged cornea after circumlimbal insertion of the allogenic biomaterial.
Material and methods. Histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistic methods were used to study the enucleated eyeballs of experimental rabbits after chemical burn by alkali (2.5% solution of sodium hydroxide) followed by a circumlimbal insertion of «Alloplant» biomaterial (dispersed form of allogenic biomaterial «Stimulator of regeneration»). The studies of the cornea and the eye limbal zone of the experimental animals were carried out on the 7th, 14th, 30th, 90th and 180th days after the operation.
Results. It was established that after the perilimbal insertion of the Alloplant biomaterial into the damaged cornea of the experimental rabbits compared with the control group (with no treatment) the proliferative activity of the corneal epithelial cells increased, large amounts of phagocytic macrophages (CD68+cells) were involved, and the low level of cytokine expression was detected that transforms the growth factor TGF-β1 (fibrosis factor). These factors leads to the fast epithelization, accelerated utilization of the cell and tissue detritus, and inhibition of the gross scarring process of the restoring corneal tissues.
Conclusion. Circumlimbal insertion of «Alloplant» biomaterial into the damaged cornea serves as a regeneration stimulator and an inhibitor of tissue scarring.
Key words: «Alloplant» biomaterial, circumlimbal insertion, corneal regeneration, TGF-β1 transforming growth factor, scarring inhibitor.
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