Advanced features of elastographic research methods on the example of their complex use
Smolensk State Medical University, 28 Krupskaya Str., Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214019
Morozova T.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Senior Researcher of the Scientific Research Laboratory «Diagnostic Researches and Low-invasive Technologies», tel. +7-910-767-45-60, е-mail:
Borsukov A.V. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy, Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory «Diagnostic Researches and Low-invasive Technologies», tel. (4812) 63-22-10, e-mail:
The evaluation of clinical-diagnostic possibilities and prospects of elastographic research methods (transient, compression elastography and shear-wave elastography, compression elastography at endosnography) was made in 239 patients with diffuse liver diseases: steatohepatitis (n=66), hepatitis (n=98) and cirrhosis (n=75). Transient elastography of the liver and shear wave elastography are informative for all clinical forms of diffuse liver diseases; compression liver elastography is less informative for patients with cirrhosis; compression liver elastography at endosonography can be used if the patient has other indications for its use: pancreatitis, focuses in hepatopancreatoduodenal zone, choledocholithiasis, etc. The specificity of the prediction of elastographic comprehensive survey, with different combinations was 97.8%, forecast sensitivity ― 91.5%, prediction accuracy ― 94.3%. AUC was 0.931 with a 95% confidence interval [0.842-0.967].
Key words: complex liver elastography, diffuse liver diseases, pancreas.
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