Unknown pages of life of Prof. Ivan Gustavovich Lindegren
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
2Republic Clinical Hospital, Kazan
Contact details:
Bombina L.K. — PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, 420012, tel.: +7-903-319-84-09, e-mail: larisa.bombina@mail.ru
Ivan Gustavovich Lindegren was an ordinary professor of the Department of Special Pathology and Therapeutics from 1837 to 1862. He was one of the most talented figures among the medical professors of the 19th century and made an invaluable contribution to the establishment and development of a hospital clinic at Kazan Emperor’s University. He actively participated in the fight against cholera epidemic both in Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. Prof. I.G. Lindegren introduced changes in the prospective doctors’ education. In Europe, he got advanced ideas about the organization of medical universities. Based on his views on medical education, he wrote a treatise “On the development of the hospital clinic at some Russian universities” and an article “On the importance of the hospital clinic and its relation to the ordinary university clinics”. For his achievements, he was awarded the Imperial Order of St. Anna of the 2nd class with the imperial crown (1854), the Imperial Order of St. Prince Vladimir of the 2nd class (1857), and a badge for 30 years of meritorious service (1857). In 1860, Lindegren successfully established a hospital clinic at Kazan Emperor’s University, where he adhered to the concepts of European medical institutions. The ideas introduced by Prof. I.G. Lindegren in the 19th century are reflected in the organization of medical universities nowadays.
Key words: history of medicine, Kazan Emperor’s University, hospital clinic, Department of Special Pathology and Therapeutics, Prof. I.G. Lindegren.
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