Virtual endoscopy for orbital exenteration
1Ekaterinburg Center «Inter-sectoral Scientific-Technical Complex «Eye microsurgery», 4a Bardin St., Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620149
2Sverdlovsk Region Clinical Hospital № 1, 185 Volgogradskaya St., Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620102
Obodov V.A. — Cand. Med. Sc., Deputy Director, tel. +7-912-241-84-26, e-mail:
Ageev A.N. — roentgenologist of the Ray Diagnostics Department, tel. +7-906-802-43-49, e-mail:
Zykov O.A. — ophthalmologist of the Laser Surgery Department, tel. +7-909-012-05-23, e-mail:
Obodov A.V. — ophthalmologist of the Surgery Department №1, tel. +7-912-696-67-00, e-mail:
The paper demonstrates the possibilities of virtual endoscopy in visualization of soft tissue structures of the orbit under normal conditions and in stage IV uveal melanoma with extraocular component. Multi-spiral computer tomography protocol was composed including the function of virtual orbital endoscopy. It allows to visualize and estimate the soft tissue structures in color range in reference to bony orbital walls. The obtained data gave a possibility to perform orbital exenteration as block excision with enhanced ablastics of the operation.
Key words: virtual endoscopy, uveal melanoma, orbital exenteration.
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