Various approaches to the treatment of acute endogenous psychoses with or without catatonic symptomatology
I.I. Skvortsov ― Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital №3, 36, AE Fermskoe shosse, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197341
Veraksa A.E. ― psychiatrist, psychotherapist, tel. (812) 301-79-33, e-mail:
The article presents the analysis of therapy of patients suffering from acute endogenous psychoses (AEP) with or without catatonic symptoms during attacks. As a result of the conducted research it is established that among the patients with AEP there is a large share of those having some catatonic symptoms in the clinical picture. The analysis of therapeutic tactics showed the lack of differentiated approach to the drug treatment of patients with different clinical forms of AEP. Monotherapy with benzodiazepines should be considered as the most optimal variant for stopping AEP regardless of the existence or lack of a catatonic symptomatology.
Key words: acute endogenous psychoses, catatonic symptomatology, pharmacotherapy, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics.
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