True ingrowth of a placenta
1Samara State Medical University, Samara
2 Perinatal Center of Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after. V.D. Seredavin, Samara
Kalinkina O.B. ― MD, Associate Professor, Professor the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1
Address: 89 Chapaevskaya Str., 443099, Samara, Russian Federation, tel. +7-927-608-08-72, е-mail:
Nowadays obstetrics practice shows a significant increase in the incidence of true placenta ingrowth ― a severe obstetric pathology accompanied by a high risk of massive bleeding and maternal mortality. Therefore, the delivery of such patients was earlier accompanied by organ-resection operations, followed by inability to fulfill the reproductive function. Therefore, it is topical to search for organ-preserving methods of operative delivery of patients with this pathology. This approach will allow preserving the menstrual and, possibly, childbearing function. The article presents a clinical case of successful metroplasty in a patient with true placenta ingrowth.
Key words: true placenta ingrowth, metroplasty, organ-preserving surgery, surgical delivery.
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