The problem of consistency of intestinal suture
1Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, 1 Ostrovityanov St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
2Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 6 Mikluho-Maklay St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198
Gorskiy V.A. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Surgery of Medicobiologic Faculty, tel. +7-903-218-81-81, e-mail: gorviks@yandex.ru1
Agapov M.A. — Assistant at the Department of Surgery, tel. +7-916-365-79-20, e-mail: getinfo911@mail.ru1
Klimov A.E. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Surgery, tel. +7-916-622-06-51, e-mail: klimov.pfu@ mail.ru2
Andreev S.S. — Assistant of the Department of Faculty Surgery, tel. +7-903-530-30-77, e-mail: asmxav@yandex.ru2
The article presents the results of experimental and clinical research of the method of strengthening the intestinal sutures with fibrin-collagen substance. It is demonstrated that the substance allows enhancing mechanical strength and accelerating the repair processes of the area of anastomoses when making a prophylaxis of their disability. Use of this method in clinic is justified in case of peritonitis and intestinal obstruction.
Key words: intestinal suture, insolvency, fibrin-collagen substance (FCS).
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