Use of recombinant human erythropoietin for prevention of postoperative anemia in case of pulmonary tuberculosis
A.N. NIKOLAEV, V.G. DEMIKHOV, V.L. DOBIN, N.V. INYАKOVA, E.PH.MORSCHAKOVA Ryazan Regional Clinical TB Dispensary Ryazan branch of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Children Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after D. Rogachev Ryazan State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov Nikolaev Alexey Nikolaevich physician and thoracic surgeon 33г Novoselov Str., apt.114, Ryazan 390048 tel. 8-920-638-96-21, e-mail: The study included 22 patients […]