Dynamics of the coagulation’s hemostasis in women with surgical delivery
T.E. KURMANBAYEV1, N.V. YAKOVLEV1,2, A.A. KHASANOV1, I.G. MUSTAFIN1, R.M. NABIULLINA1 1Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 4200122Republican Clinical Hospital of the MH of RT, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064 Kurmanbayev T.E. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1, tel. +7-919-623-23-35, e-mail: timka_rus@inbox.ru Yakovlev N.V. ― […]