Optimization of the hydro-kinesitherapy method for children with exogenous-constitutional obesity
N.L. СHERNAYA¹, G.S. MASKOVA¹, O.G. KUZNETSOVA², E.A. BELOVA¹, O.I. GRIGORIEVA² ¹Yaroslavl State Medical University, 5 Revolutsionnaya St., 5, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation, 150000 ²Children’s Polyclinic №5, 20 Mashinostroiteley Pr., 20, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation, 150055 Chernaya N.L. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics, tel. (4852) 35-66-92, е-mail: nlch@mail.ru Маskova G.S. — […]