Immunotherapy and reparative therapy as a method of improving the results of surgical treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
V.T. CHUBARYAN1, E.I. MITCHENKO1, I.A. POLOZYUKOV2, D.S. DUDNICHENKO2 1Rostov State Medical University, 29 Nakhichevanskiy alley, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344022 2Specialized tuberculosis hospital, 24 Orskaya Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, 344065 Chubaryan V.T. ― D. Med. Sc., Pofessor, Head of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, tel. (863) 223-36-04, e-mail: Mitchenko E.I. ― assistant of […]