Analysis of efficiency and safety of corneal collagen crosslinking in patients with cornea thickness less than 400 microns after deepitelization with application of corneal lenticule graft
I.V. VASILYEVA1, V.V. EGOROV1,2, A.V. VASILYEV1 1Khabarovsk branch of S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 211 Tikhookeanskaya Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680033 2Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers, 9 Krasnodarskaya Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680000 Vasilyeva I.V. ― ophthalmologist of the Refractive Surgery Department, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail: Egorov V.V. ― D. Med. […]