Our experience in the treatment of subjective ear noise using the method of dynamic correction of the sympathetic nervous system activity
Kh.T. ABDULKERIMOV, K.I. KARTASHOVA, Z.Kh. ABDULKERIMOV, K.V. SHAMANSKAYA, R.S. DAVYDOV, A.V. RUDZEVICH Ural State Medical University, 3 Repin Str., Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620028 Abdulkerimov Kh.T. ― Doc. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Department, tel. (343) 240-04-76, e-mail: abdulkerimov@mail.ru Kartashova K.I. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Otorhinolaryngology Department, tel. (343) 240-04-76, […]