Symptomatic diverticular disease of the colon in elderly patients: clinics and diagnosis of its ischemic variant
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 7 Kitaygorodsky proezd, Moscow, Russian Federation, 109074
Lazebnik L.B. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Therapy, Geriatrics and Prevention Department, tel. (495) 6233660, e-mail:
Levchenko S.V. — PhD (Medicine), Assistant Professor of the Therapy, Geriatrics and Prevention Department, tel. (903) 7701906, e-mail:
Having studied the peculiarities of the clinical manifestations of diverticular disease of colon in elderly and senile patients, the authors have found that 18% of patients older than 75 years suffer the chronic abdominal ischemia syndrome (direct relation between a pain paroxysm and eating or physical exercise, expressed flatulence, disorder of the stool). Specific clinical symptoms in this group correlated with the atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases in patients and morphological signs of ischemia of the colon mucosa (microscopic ischemic colitis) and did not depend on the number and size of diverticula or degree of dysbiosis. The authors have extinguished a special clinical and morphological form of diverticular disease – ischemic variant which requires revision of the therapeutic approach. It is concluded that the existence of diseases such as dyslipidemia, CHD, and cerebrovascular disease in the group of elderly and senile patients with diverticular disease of colon can be used as a predictor of that special variant of diverticular disease of colon.
Key words: elderly and senile patients, diverticular disease of colon,microscopic ischemic colitis
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