Study of quality of life as a criterion of effectiveness of dermatovenereological patients treatment in hospital
1Republican Clinical Dermatovenereology Dispensary, 4 Tolstoy St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
2Kazan State Medical Academy, 11 Bolshaya Krasnaya St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420011
Bildyuk E.V. — Deputy Chief Doctor, tel. +7-987-296-07-99, e-mail:
Yusupova L.A. — D. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, tel. +7-917-260-32-57, e-mail:
Minullin I.K. — Chief Doctor, tel. (843) 236-27-64, e-mail:
The article presents data on the quality of life of dermatovenereological patients before and after the course of treatment. The possibility is considered to use international quality of life questionnaire MOS-SF-36 criteria for assessing the quality of inpatient care of dermatovenereological patients as one of the important indicators of the quality management of hospital care for these patients. The influence of skin diseases treatment in a hospital on improving life quality is shown.
Key words: effectiveness of treatment in hospital, quality of life of dermatovenereological patients, assessment of hospital care quality.
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