Study of dermatoglyphics features in children with retinoblastoma
National Cancer Research Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 383 Faraby Str., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 100174
Islamov Z.S. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of Ocular Oncology Department, tel. +99871 246-98-86, e-mail:
Usmanov R.Kh. ― resident doctor of Ocular Oncology Department, tel. +99871 246-98-86, e-mail:
Gildieva M.S. ― D. Biol. Sc., Head of the Laboratory of Tumor Biology, tel. +99871 246-98-74, e-mail:
The aim of this study was to investigate dermatoglyphics features and assessing their information content in children with Rb. Skin relief was studied in 51 children with retinoblastoma (20 boys and 31 girls) and 45 healthy children (20 boys and 25 girls). The age of the sick and healthy children was in the range from 3 months to 6 years. The study of dermatoglyphic parameters (by the sum of occurrence of patterns) showed the possibility to use them for screening of retinoblastoma and for identifying the risk groups. It is found that, out of a large number of dermatoglyphics parameters, the ones which differ significantly are arcs and radial loops, which may serve as markers of genetic predisposition to retinoblastoma.
Key words: retinoblastoma, dermatoglyphics, genetics.
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