Structure of critical obstetric states and maternal mortality in patients of young and late reproductive age
Chita State Medical Academy, Chita
Contact details:
Belokrinitskaya T.E. ― MD, Professor, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Address: 39a Gorkiy Str., 672000, Chita, e-mail:
Objective. To assess the structure of critical obstetric states and maternal mortality in patients depending on the age group of patients.
Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 112 “near miss” cases and 20 maternal mortality cases in Transbaikal region during a 5-year period (2014-2018).
Results. The young reproductive age group consisted of 102 (77.3%) women aged 18-35, the late reproductive age group consisted of 30 (22.7%, p=0.000) women over 35 y.o. Women of young reproductive age had 80.4% (p=0.000) “near miss” cases and 60.0% (p=0.008) maternal mortality cases. Patients of young reproductive age had a higher risk of critical states due to placental abruption (OR=4.21), placenta previa and/or placenta accreta (OR=2.41), preeclampsia/eclampsia (OR=1.21) and the significant risk of postpartum hemorrhage (p=0.040). Women of late reproductive age more often had extragenital diseases (30.0% vs 4.9%; p=0.000), ectopic pregnancy (6.7% vs 2.9%; OR=2.35) and complications after out-of-hospital and medical abortions (20.0% vs 2.7%; OR=1.71).
Conclusion. Systematic analysis of the age structure of “near miss” and maternal mortality cases may yield additional resources to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
Key words: near miss; maternal mortality; young and late reproductive age.
(For citation: Belokrinitskaya T.E., Frolova N.I., Iozefson S.A., Kolmakova K.A. Structure of critical obstetric states and maternal mortality in patients of young and late reproductive age. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 4, P. 32-36)
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