Structural peculiarities of pyoinflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area in the residents of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Surgut State University, 1 Lenin Str., Surgut, Russian Federation, 628412
Darvin V.V. — D. Sc. (medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1121-9636
Manoilo M.N. — post-graduate student of the Department of Hospital Surgery, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3089-344X
Objective: to study the structure and frequency of pyoinflammatory diseases in the residents of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
Materials and methods: in 2015–2017 on the basis of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Surgut District Clinical Hospital, 3927 patients were treated, 385 (9.8%) of them with purulent–inflammatory diseases of face and neck. Sepsis complicated the course of surgical infection in 9 patients (2.3%). Odontogenic cause was found in 171 (44.4%) patients, lymph nodes pathology in 46 (11.9%), maxillofacial injuries in 19 (4.9%), ENT diseases in 5 (1.3%), furunculosis 83 (21.5%), and atheromatosis 61 (15.8%) patients. In 19 patients, purulent-inflammatory diseases occurred against the background of HIV infection (4.9%), in 31 patients (8.0%) — of diabetes.
Results: after analyzing the results of treatment of 385 patients, it was found that their predominant age group is 21-40 y.o., males. The main etiological factor is odontogenic causes. Among the diseases that form the premorbid background, there is HIV infection (4.9%), and diabetes (8.0%).
Conclusions: significant predominance of the most able-bodied age group (41.0%) puts the problem of the disease in the category of socially significant. The leading role of odontogenic causes of purulent-inflammatory diseases shows that patients apply late to dental clinics, neglect oral hygiene and timely sanitation. Active surgical intervention combined with antimicrobial therapy and the use of lipids-colloid absorbent dressings, coated with silver, and autoplasma, enriched with platelets, reduced the average time of wounds cleansing to 5.2+0.2 days and the average duration of inpatient treatment up to 7.3+0.3 days and to ensure no lethal outcomes.
Key words: phlegmon, abscess, odontogenic, osteo phlegmon.
(For citation: Darvin V.V., Manoilo M.N. Structural peculiarities of pyoinflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area in the residents of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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