Structural and functional changes in big peripheric vessels in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa
Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Center, Kazan
Gaynitdinova Viliya Vilevna
Candidate of Medical Science, assistant professsor at the Department of therapy and clinical pharmacology of the institute of postgraduate education of Bashkir State Medical University
6/3 Parkovaya Str., apt.22, Ufa 450059
tel. (347) 223-06-75, e-mail:
Structural and functional condition and arterial stiffness of a vessel wall of large peripheral arteries in patients with severe COPD at its combination with arterial hypertension were studied. The characteristic of clinical, functional and angioimaging peculiarities of patients with severe COPD (GOLD III, 2011), and COPD in combination with arterial hypertension is given. New data on changes in the elasticity of the large peripheral vessels in patients with severe COPD by increasing the elasticity of the arterial wall and its thickening were obtained.
Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension, remodeling of peripheric vessels, arterial stiffness, hypoxia.
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