Some features of therapy of acute polymorphic psychosis
Altai State Medical University, 40 Lenin Ave., Barnaul, Russian Federation, 656038
Kuleshova E.O. ― postgraduate student of the Department of psychiatry, medical psychology and neurology with a course of supplementary vocational education, tel. +7-903-958-99-20, e-mail:
Stroganov A.E. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of psychiatry, medical psychology and neurology with a course of supplementary vocational education, tel. +7-913-215-22-18, e-mail:
In order to study therapeutic aspects of acute polymorphic psychosis were examined 128 patients with psychotic conditions corresponding to criteria of this examination. The clinical psychopathological, follow-up, psychometric and statistical methods were applied. Data on dynamics of psycho-pathologic symptomatic in process of anti-psychotic therapy are provided. It is established that acute polymorphic psychotic disorders revealed tendency to be recurrent in the form of productive psychotic disorders that give grounds for prescription of supporting therapy after clinical reduction of the first psychotic episode.
Key words: acute polymorphic psychosis, schizophrenia, features of therapy.
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