Solving non-standard situations in the practice of a traumatologist of a district hospital
1Trubchevskaya Central District Hospital, Bryansk region
2A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University for Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow
Contact details:
Lysov V.G. — Head of the Surgery Unit
Address: 15 Petrov St., Trubchevsk, Russian Federation, 242220, tel.: +7-905-103-76-79, e-mail:
Treatment of a serious injury is a complex multi-stage process. Sometimes there are non-standard situations that can lead to complication that can worsen the final results.
The purpose was to determine the theoretical and practical capabilities of a traumatologist when solving non-standard situations in a district hospital.
Key words: non-standard situation, loss of implant function, titanium plate, bone fusion of the fracture.
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