Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky — life and death
1Kasan State Medical University, Kazan
2Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan
Contact details:
Khazova E.V. — PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases named after Prof. S.S. Zimnitskiy
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-905-313-97-10, e-mail:
Semyon Semyonovich Zimnitsky is an outstanding Russian therapist who weighed in on various fields of medical knowledge and created a functional field in therapy. S.S. Zimnitsky lived only 54 years, and a significant part of his creative path fell within the period of social transformations, accompanied by hunger, cold and devastation. The article shows the formation of S.S. Zimnitsky as a scientist, discusses his teachers both in Russia and abroad. Zimnitsky’s life stance helped him to make way in the fight against the «university evil», in the creation of the Clinical Institute, the Department of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of Kazan University. His cheerfulness, versatile talent brought color to the educational process. Zimnitsky’s death was due to coronary and heart failure and rhythm disturbance. He and A.F. Samoilov (the founder of the Russian electrophysiological school, «the Russian Einthoven») failed to understand the appearance of a giant positive T wave in the first complex after a ventricular extrasystole. The authors of the article (V.N. Oslopov and Yu.S. Mishanina) managed to answer S.S. Zimnitsky’s question, and this is discussed in the article. The last hours of S.S. Zimnitsky’s life are described. Unique information is given about the clinical and pedagogical activity of S.S. Zimnitsky, presented by his student, Kazan Professor L.M. Rakhlin.
The title of the article «Semyon Semenovich Zimnitsky – life and death» was not chosen by chance. Learning about the formation of S.S. Zimnitsky as a doctor and scientist is of educational value for the reader. No less important and instructive is the description by S.S. Zimnitsky of his disease, the transformation of its symptoms and signs. The last days and hours of the life of S.S. Zimnitsky are described professionally and at the same time artistically by Professor A.G. Teregulov, which is rather unique. Therefore, we can say that the death of S.S. Zimnitsky teaches us — Docendo discimus.
Key words: Zimnitsky, vitality, talent, creation of a functional field in therapy, transformation of a common peasant boy into a world-renowned scientist, coronary heart disease, aortic insufficiency, giant positive T wave, thrombosis of the trunk of the left coronary artery.
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