Risk of infectious and somatic diseases in infants born by cesarean section
Kazan State Medical University
Nikolaeva Irina Venidiktovna
Doctor of Medical Science, assistant professor of the Department of childhood infections
49A Butlerova str., Kazan 420012
tel. 8-900-326-03-48, e-mail: IrinaNicolaeva@mail.ru
The influence of mode of delivery on the risk of infectious and somatic diseases in children under the age of 3 years was studied. The examination of 192 children (92 children were born by cesarean section, 100 children — vaginally) was made. Caesarean section had no effect on the incidence of malnutrition in children, also tonsillitis, otitis, lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, acute intestinal infections, staphylococcal infections and giardiasis. Children born by surgery before the age of one year had higher risk of developing chronic diarrhea RR=2,36 (95% CI: 1,12 to 4,98), atopy RR=2,22 (95% CI: 1,04 to 4,76), iron deficiency anemia RR=1,98 (1,05 to 3,75) and neutropenia. At the age of 1 to 3 years, they often had respiratory infections RR=2,83 (95% CI: 1,26 to 6,36).
Key words: children, cesarean section, risk of disease.
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