Risk of developing unwanted reactions during preventive intake of anti-tuberculosis drugs in children with latent infection
1Smolensk State Medical University, Smolensk, Russia
2Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
Contact details:
Krikova A.V. — Doctor of Pharmaceutics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmaceutics
Address: 28 Krupskaya St., Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214019, e-mail: anna.krikova@mail.ru
The course of tuberculosis infection affects not only the target organs but also the physical development of children and the metabolic processes of the body. Unfortunately, not much attention is paid to the consequences of tuberculosis infection, and adequate correction of the damage caused to the body. Also, various undesirable reactions that occur against the background of the use of specific anti-tuberculosis drugs for therapeutic and preventive purposes are not always registered. It is necessary to rationally approach the appointment of such specific therapy, correctly choose each specific drug, taking into account the characteristic side effects. Special attention must be paid to the coordinated joint work of phthisiatricians and pediatricians for each specific patient to minimize iatrogenic complications.
Key words: children, tuberculosis infection, anti-tuberculosis drugs, unwanted by-effects.
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